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Mawlid an-Nabi

February 2010 Mawlid an-Nabi Message

Dear brothers and sisters;

With the perseverance of living in the
light of this sacred night of Rasullullah (SAV), which spreads a
divine light over the universe, paying enough attention to our
worldly life which is the assurance of our everlasting life, with the
hope of living a life worthy of Hakk teala's consent, I wish from
Allah (CC) that all of you can reach so many sacred nights with mercy
and blessings.
With the wish of your being in a
spiritual world, and a state of health and well being in your family
life, worldy and everlasting lives, and daily life with the effort of
having the desire of being among the beloved ones of Allah, I
celebrate with my heart and soul, your sacred night and day, and wish
you attain the favour of Allah.


Assalamu Alaykum

O. Zengin