The Sacred Birth Week
(In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
Our sultan Hacı Bekir Sıdkı Visali Hz. explains this hadith as:
God is unknown when Nafs is unknown.
Nafs is unknown when Soul is unknown.
Soul is unknown when Life is unknown.
Life is unknown when Death is unknown.
Death is unkown when Heart is unknown.
So, to understand the meaning of the quoted hadith, we need to have the knowledge about the truth of Nafs, the truth of Soul, The truth of Life and the truth of Death.
By this occasion, we understand the main stones of our spiritual structure and the rububiyat; the reasons behind the existence of the earthly life and it’s operating in the truth of our bodily structure.
The first nur (light) created by Allahu tealâ is the nur of Rasulullah (SAV). From this nur, the whole universe was created.
Allahu tealâ said: “My Rasul; If I were not, you would not be, if you were not, I would not be known.”
As it is understood from this hadith, the existence of the whole universe was out of his existence (his nur).
“İnni cailün filardi min halifeten” an ayat.
Allahu tealâ said that he would send a caliph to the Earth. Thus, the construction of the Earth was started with our father Adam and our mother Eve.
All of the prophets that came until Rasulullah (SAV), the ones that were given the holy books are included, were sent by Allahu tealâ to represent Rasulullah (SAV). As being the last prophet, Rasulullah (SAV) came and performed his Risâla (the message of Islam). He will use his Nubuwwah (Prophethood) in Akhirah (Afterlife) to help his ummah.
So, we believe in Hz. Muhammad (SAV) who was sent as rahmet to the universe as the only one, and we believe in Allahu tealâ who has a sole body and who sent him to us as rahmet.
In short; We have the one Allah, and the Prophet of Rahmet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa that He sent to us.
By this means, we celebrate the Sacred Birth Week(The birth of Hz.Muhammad (SAV)) and hope it will bring goodness to the Islamic world and the humanity of the world.
We pray to Allahu tealâ for all of the humanity to benefit from these goodnesses.
As-salamu Alaykum
Osman Zengin