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Mawlid an-Nabi

March 2008 Mawlid an-Nabi Message

(In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

Allahu Tealâ’s addressing to Rasûlullah (SAV) as “If I were not, you would not, if you were not, I would not be known” indicates us that Rasûlullah (SAV) was sent as a prophet of mercy for the universe. He is Hatemül enbiya and a prophet of Allah’s mercy. He is the last of the prophets and the wisest of all, and the reason of our existence.

Rasûlullah (SAV)’s beginning his worldly life shows us that he is the prophet of the last days, and the Judgement Day is near. Thus, every universe has its own Moses, but the whole universe’s Muhammed is one. Rasûlullah (SAV) will intercede for the previous prophets as well as for his followers( ummah).

We may need to explain intercession more clearly. If we ask whether the prophets need it too, the answer is yes. It will make their position higher. This also may mean that Rasûlullah (SAV)’s intercession is salvation for the sinners and a position for the ones who are saved by their worships meaning who obtain Allahu Tealâ’s mercy. Hz. Muhammed (SAV) used only his risalet in his worldly life and he left his nübüvvet for the afterlife. It has two directions; the first one is “Celâl”(glory), the second one is “Cemâl”(grace). From Celâl, seven hells, and from Cemâl, seven heavens were created. Cemâl at the same time means getting rid of the bad tempers and learning virtue.

We thank Rabb Tealâ endlessly for giving us the honour of being among the followers of Rasûlullah (SAV). We are weak even for this attribution and we wish to be forgiven. It is our duty as believer mortals to pray to Allahu Tealâ for honouring us with these beautiful days and nights with grace and forgiveness. Thus, we wish from Allah the acceptance of our prayers for the sake of the sacred nights, and we pray to Allah for this and the upcoming sacred nights to bring benefactions and a peaceful world where the people love each other.

The existence of the generations growing with health and faith, protecting and loving our country and nation provides a better perspective for our future.

I celebrate your night.

As-Salamu Alaykum ( Peace be upon you)


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