The Three Months
July 2008 The Three Months Message
Sahrâ-yı cünûnda kâ’be-i sevda Kurulmuş kurduran Leylâ’ya bir bak Tavâf eyler anı nice bin şeydâ Mecnûn’larla dolmuş sahraya bir bak Âb-ı muhabbetden almış nemâyı Kaf-i kanâatde görmüş hümâyı Âşık neyler câm-ı cihân-nümâyı Dilde tulu’ etmiş bedr-âye bir bak Bir kul ki vâsıl-ı dârü’l-emândır Dâhil-i dergâh-ı pîr-i mugandır Kûşe-i meyhâne emn ü emândır Mey-keşlere feyz-i Hudâ’ya bir bak Kaf-i kanaâtde aynü’l-hayâtı Âb-i hayât içen görmez memâtı Bâb-ı itâatde eyler sebâtı Serinde cem’ olmuş sevdâya bir bak Bahşetmiş ezelden cânı cânâne El atmış halka-i beytü’l-emâne Sermest-i ezeldir dutmuş peymâne LUTFÎ lutfeyleyen Mevlâ’ya bir bak (Hulâsatü’l-Hakayık s.319) According to Ebû Hüreyre’s account, Our Prophet (SAV) said thus: Make haste in doing good deeds, are you waiting for something else than these seven things: The poverty that makes you forget everything, or the seducing richness, or the illness that damages the mind and the body, or the old age that makes you talk nonesense, or the sudden death, or the Antichrist , worst of the scared unknown things, or the Judgement Day, whose trouble is greater and more painful. (Riyâzü’s-Sâlihîn s.130) |
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) My worthy brothers and sisters; in light of the ode and the hadith, the sacred months which represent the beauties and which are gifts from Allahu Tealâ; are the months in which the worships are more valuable. First of all, I congratulate, most willingly, these sacred months and the included sacred nights such as Regaip, Miraç, Berat, Kadir, and pray to Allahu Tealâ for these months to be good for the Muslim world. In the Recep, Şaban and Ramadan months, when Allah’s mercy and blessings are abundant, worshiping and pleading, we should search and find the ways of benefiting from this mercy flowing from the hearts. In our times, blasphemy and sacrilege present continuity. However, Noah’s Ark, which is a means of salvation, always exists, and it will exist until the Judgement Day. Let’s search and find the ways of benefiting from the month of Rajab, which is the beginnig of the three months and when Allah’s mercy and blessings are abundant. These are generally, meetings of learning, meetings of zikr and meetings with wise people, or solitude. (A Hadith) “Fî Kulûbihim Meradun” (Ayat). In all the hearts, there is an illness. A lot of people are not aware of this ilness. They do not have the chance to see themselves in the mirror and they are not even aware of this. The cure of these spiritual illnesses are the seas of spirituality in the year which are granted to us from Allahu Tealâ; it is a chance to clean ourselves from all kinds of material and spiritual ilnesses and to gain the internal and external health. By this means, the ones who taste and appreciate the spiritual path, are the voyagers of the right path; they are the ones who try to taste the joy of being with Hakk’s beloved and beloveds. Allah’s mercy is right for them. “Wherever they look, they see Him” (Ayat) and be the frequenter of His meetings. Thus, they benefit from the Hakk meetings. They become one of Allahu Tealâ’s genuine servants. Every beautiful thing belongs to Hakk, meaning that beauty is Allahu Tealâ’s, the right from His image. We pray and plead to Allahu Tealâ for his consent, for Rasûlullah (SAV)’s gladness and for us to gain His intercession, for our masters and sultans’ gifts of abundance, prosperity and help, for the peace of Muslim world and the whole world. Let it be sacred for the Muslim world. As-salamu Alaykum O. Zengin |